Lleoliad: Virtual Meeting
Cyswllt: Neil Barnett Cynghorydd Craffu
Rhif | eitem |
Datganiadau o ddiddordeb Cofnodion: None. |
Ymgynghoriad Asesiad Lleol o Les Gwent Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Cofnodion: Invitees: Tracy McKim – Policy, Partnership and Involvement Manager Rhys Cornwall - Strategic Director – Transformation and Corporate Arabella Calder - Senior Policy and Partnership Officer
The Policy, Partnership and Involvement Manager gave a brief overview on the Gwent Public Service Board and that they are required to conduct a wellbeing assessment ahead of the well-being plan. The first part is analysis, a review of the current situation. Members were advised that it is not about answers to issues, as that is for the response analysis stage, so the focus is on what it looks like. The Officer advised that the presentation will be circulated to the Committee and that they have until Monday 31 January to provide a response to the report. Members were reminded that it is the first time the well-being assessment has been done, against a backdrop of tight timelines and during a pandemic, therefore the officer explained there is more work to be done but it will grow over a period of time. It was noted it is commendable to get to this stage to make the statutory requirement.
The Policy, Partnership and Involvement Manager gave an outline of the presentation and highlighted the key areas of impact and what the data tells them so far. The assessment looks into the well-being of the local area and what makes people vulnerable and resilient. It covers five areas of the local authority which highlights both the inequalities and the opportunities in the area. The officer covered the timeline of the assessment that it has been to the Gwent PSB, the Newport Partnership can tell them their response in two ways; one being if the equalities factors enough in the assessment and if they are looking at the assets enough. It is now in formal consultation and explained it would go into an anonymous block then to the response analysis.
Beneath the Gwent profile is a Newport Profile which has statistical comparisons split into five to compare the areas. The five supporting the Newport City profile will look at population, deprivation, economic well-being, environmental well-being and cultural well-being. Therefore, it would take forward what the priority would be for Newport and for Gwent.
Committee asked the following: · A Committee Member referred to the timetable of the assessment work and expressed concern if the elections could affect the work.
The Policy, Partnership and Involvement Manager explained that the legislation is written around the election cycle. It has to be published around a certain timetable so therefore around an election is when they would expect to see a well-being assessment published.
· The Member asked if the Officer thinks the Council would have everything in place to pass the assessment on.
The Policy, Partnership and Involvement Manager confirmed it would be and that it is the first Gwent region assessment - so it will get better despite it needing more but it will definitely meet the statutory deadline. A lot of work has gone into it but that also depends ... view the full Cofnodion text for item 2. |
Asesiad Rhanbarthol o Anghenion y Boblogaeth - Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant Dogfennau ychwanegol: Cofnodion: Invitees: Phil Diamond – Service Manager – Gwent Regional Partnership Board Sally Jenkins – Strategic Director – Social Services Mary Ryan – Head of Adult Services
The Service Manager provided an overview to the Committee, despite it being different from the Well-being Assessment, the partner highlighted that there are touching points between the two and ensured there would be no duplication. Members were informed that this assessment is set in the statute by the Well-being Act for Social Care and it is focused on three particular areas. It was highlighted that children looked after in terms of the population needs assessment remains a high importance across the local authorities as those children have the most complex circumstances. Welsh Government prioritises that area and it has had grant funding.
The Committee were provided with examples of joint collaborative solutions from Newport such as the Mental Health Service Team whose role is to support others and children with emotional or mental health circumstances. There is a multi-agency panel which work together with the families to support the children. There has been work done for emergency accommodation; some children in crisis point where they have to look out of county to keep children safe. The officers also covered the work gone into the Carers’ UK survey which has found issues have exacerbated for local carers.
The third theme was the Population Needs Assessment on Dementia. They predict to see a large number of those with dementia. With an aging population will come with different opportunities and challenges. Within the Population Needs Assessment, it was highlighted that the aging population is a theme that is discussed often.
Committee asked the following: · A Member asked about legislation around Health and Social Services, as this type of work is always changing and adapting through data monitoring changes; how the council could catch up with the information they have now against what the Government might do.
The Strategic Director responded, that it is entering a new programme with the Welsh Government on their aims and prioritisation areas. They have previously mentioned the commitment within the programme to eliminate profit from children in care and that will be for the next 5 years. In terms of the planning within their Population Needs Assessment (PNA), the council are in quite a good place to do it as it is right at the start of the government programme. Considerable work has been done with members and the PSB and other boards. Members were assured they are very in tune as there is consultation in Risca for a Regulatory Inspection Framework. The PNA is rooted in that knowledge that the Welsh Government has a long term priority for dementia, looked after children and carers.
· A Committee Member asked for confirmation on the situation with education on it all in other local authorities and if they will experience policy conflicts due to differing priorities; and if so, what the remedy would be.
In response, the Strategic Director clarified that with children and ... view the full Cofnodion text for item 3. |
Adroddiad Cynghorydd Craffu a) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 1) b) Actions Plan (Appendix 2)
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Cofnodion: Invitees: - Neil Barnett (Scrutiny Adviser)
The Scrutiny Adviser provided the committee with details of the next meeting to be held on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 at 5pm. The agenda items are:
- One Newport Wellbeing Plan 2021-22 Q2 Performance - Education Achievement Services (EAS) Business Plan 2022-25
Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf Dogfennau ychwanegol: Cofnodion: The minutes of the previous meetings held on 17th November 2021 and 1st December 2021 were accepted as a true and accurate record.
The Chair raised about what the Members have done from the Committee to hand out posters on the topics discussed from the previous meeting. The Adviser agreed that will be looked into and will re-publish the edited minutes to update them.
Live meeting Cofnodion: |